PLEASE NOTE:  The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team (POW LAT) is a separate group from POWCAC, however, the POWCAC website is being used to distribute POW LAT information and materials.

Meeting Notice:  The next POW LAT Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on September 26th, 2019 at the Prince of Wales Vocational & Technical Education Center in Klawock. 

Click here for: POW LAT Meeting Agenda, September 26th, 2019

Click here for: 2020 POW Deer Summit Agenda

See below a list of links to archived meeting agendas and materials:

Click here for: POW LAT Meeting Notice, January 16th, 2019

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Agenda, January 16th, 2019

Click here for to be redirected to the Forest Service EIS Document:  

Click here for:  Results of POW LAT Timber Proposal graphs

Click here for:  The list of POW LAT Proposed Projects

Click here for:  POW LAT Final Package June 2017



March 2016

The USFS has proposed to develop a long term plan for the management of federal lands on Prince of Wales Island.  The plan, is referred to as a landscape assessment.  The stated goal of the landscape assessment is to address healthy timber / healthy watersheds, tourism / recreation and economic stability.   The Forest Service is encouraging a POW-Island based group to form and take a large part in the effort to develop the Forest Service Landscape Assessment. 

The Prince of Wales Community Advisory Council held a special meeting on April 19th, 2016 to discuss the formation of a group to facilitate these efforts.  Topics of discussion included whether or not POWCAC should take on the project, whether POWCAC should form a sub-committee to take on the project or whether a separate group should form.  After hearing comments from the public and discussion amongst the POWCAC membership, it was decided that an ad hoc group will form, separate from POWCAC.  POWCAC will facilitate the scheduling and invitation to the first meeting, after which, it is undetermined what role, if any, POWCAC will have in this process.

Members of POWCAC and interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend the first meeting of this ad hoc group (name yet to be determined).  The first meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on May 16th, 2016 at the Prince of Wales Vocational and Technical Education Center in Klawock.  Discussion at the first meeting and potentially following meetings, will consist of details regarding the group’s organizational structure.  There are efforts being undertaken to secure funding  to help facilitate the effort of the committee.  I will be present at the meeting to assist as-needed and provide an update on efforts to secure funding.


  May 2016

The ad-hoc group met on May 16th, 2016.  There were 21 attendees, representing a variety of land owners, communities, tribes and organizations on Prince of Wales Island. 

The group decided to move forward with the organizational process and name the group the Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team.  It was decided that the group would function in an advisory capacity to develop recommendations regarding the Prince of Wales Island Forest Service Landscape Assessment which will be submitted to the Forest Service, outlining the local priorities with regard to federal resource management on Prince of Wales Island. 


It was decided that the initial membership of the group shall duplicate the POWCAC Membership which includes all of the communities and tribes on Prince of Wales Island.  The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team reach out to the communities and tribes on Prince of Wales Island and encourage participation. 


The tentative meeting schedule for the next Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team Meeting is 1 p.m. on June 9th in Thorne Bay. If you would like to be included in the POW LAT email list, please email:


June 9th, 2016

The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team met in the Thorne Bay City Council Chambers on June 9th, 2016.  Over the course of 2 ½ hours, they approved a set of group bylaws which included a goal statement:  “To assist the USFS in the development of a landscape level assessment for Prince of Wales Island area by developing and providing recommendations to the Forest Service, that contribute to the well-being of the National Forest and to lasting economic and social resilience within the Landscape Assessment area.”

The Team secured funding in the amount of $10,000 to be used for meeting facilitation expenses. 

The Team decided to discuss membership criteria again in the fall and have all organizational work done by October, 2016. 

The next Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Meeting will be held in the Throne Bay City Council Chambers on June 30th at 1 p.m.


June 30th, 2016

The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team met in the Thorne Bay City Council Chambers on June 30th, 2016.  The group made revisions to the working draft of POW LAT's bylaws and plans to revisit them again at the next meeting. 

Two grants have been awarded to the landscape assessment team effort but will require an established entity to accept and administer the funds.  The City of Thorne Bay volunteered to administer all funds awarded to the effort and POW LAT approved. 

The group approved a request for proposals to solicit the services of an independent contractor to assist with the group effort.  The position is being called a "facilitator."  THE DUE DATE FOR RESPONSES TO THE FACILITATOR RFP HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 2ND, 2016 AT 2 P.M.


August 18th, 2016

The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team met at the POW Vocational and Technical Education Center on August 18th, 2016.  The group approved modifications to the RFP for a team facilitator, recognizing that no proposals have been submitted in response to the RFP and that the competencies listed in the RFP may deter qualified individuals from submitting a proposal.  The revised RFP will be re-advertised and the DUE DATE FOR RESPONSES HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2016 AT 3 P.M.

The group discussed POW LAT's bylaws and specifically focused on the "Membership" section.  It was determined that no changes would be made to the bylaws at this time and that the group will consider revising the bylaws at a future meeting, without naming a specific meeting date. 

The next POW LAT Meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on September 29th at the POW Vocational and Technical Education Center in Klawock.  The group will attempt to meet on the 4th Thursday of each month in order to establish a consistent meeting schedule.  There will be some conflicting events that will warrant scheduling meetings on an alternative day.  In those cases, the group will attempt to schedule meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month. 


September 29th, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Minutes - September 29th, 2016

The Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team met at the POW Vocational and Technical Education Center on September 29th, 2016.  The group reviewed two proposals submitted in response to the Facilitator RFP:  A proposal from Agnew::Beck Consulting and a proposal from 11.17 Design Studio LLC, both anchorage-based firms.   POW LAT rejected both proposals based on the cost that the project would incur by contracting with an Anchorage-based firm. 

The group reviewed and discussed a Letter of Interest submitted by the Nature Conservancy to assist with facilitation services.  The group decided to pursue an agreement with TNC to provide facilitation services contingent upon a fee scale, presented to and agreed upon by the membership.  TNC plans to use Kai Environmental as a subcontractor to provide most of the services that would be required by POW LAT.  Comments and tentative approval of the POW LAT group will be sought via email before the next meeting, at which time the fee scale will be formally considered for approval by the POW LAT Membership.

The next POW LAT Meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on October 27th at the POW Vocational and Technical Education Center in Klawock.  Agenda items may include: Election of officers, formalize an agreement for facilitation services with TNC and reconsideration of POW LAT Draft Bylaws including the membership section. 

The group will attempt to meet on the 4th Thursday of each month in order to establish a consistent meeting schedule.  There will be some conflicting events that will warrant scheduling meetings on an alternative day.  In those instances, the group will attempt to schedule meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month. 


October 27th, 2016

Click for MEETING AGENDA - October 27th, 2016

The Team met at the Prince of Wales Vocational & Technical Education Center in Klawock.  The group approved a resolution to engage with The Nature Conservancy for meeting facilitation services by way of a resolution which summarizes some of the terms of the arrangement between POW LAT and TNC. 


November 4th, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Flyer - November 4th, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Agenda - November 4, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Sign-in - November 4, 2016

The Team met at the usual location.  Cathy Needham of Kai Environmental facilitated the meeting.  POW LAT members developed a statement outlining POW LAT's purpose and primary goal.  The group discussed the project timeline including prioritization, implementation and monitoring.  Other topics of discussion included the consequences that would be faced if the group did not meet their primary goal.  A field trip was originally scheduled to take place but was cancelled due to weather. 

The meeting ended after a brainstorm session in which the group identified topics/ resources/ issues that they would like to acquire background and baseline information on in order to make decisions.


December 15, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Flyer - December 15, 2016

Click for POW LAT Meeting Sign-in - December 15, 2016

The December 15, 2016 meeting was featured the POW LAT information Fair at the Craig Tribal Association Building.  In November, POW LAT members identified topics/resources/issues that they wished to have background and baseline information on in order to make decision.  The Information Fair was constructed to present this information back to members as well as the Prince of Wales general public.  In addition to resource topics featured at the fair, other landowners, stakeholders, Tribes and school groups participated by presenting projects they have been working on.  Electronic copies of presentations, maps and handouts may be found at the link provided at the bottom of this page titled POW LAT INFORMATION FAIR MATERIALS.


January 26, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Flyer - January 26, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Agenda - January 26, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Sign-in - January 26, 2017

The January 26, 2017 meeting started with a brief overview of the meetings thus far under the facilitated process.  Next, the Lucy Malconado from the U.S. Forest Service presented "POW LLA Side Boards" (click here for handout) as an overview of how the U.S. Forest Service will evaluate proposals submitted for the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis project.  Next, Cathy Needham showed POW LAT members how to access all of the materials that have been developed for the POW LAT group.  These materials may be accessed, but clicking the link at the bottom of this web page, titled POW LAT Information Fair Materials.  Afterwards, POW LAT members split into three working groups for the following resource/topic areas:

  1. Timber/Land Use/Aesthetics

  2. Wildlife Habitat/Wildlife/Karst

  3. Stream Restoration/Fish/Invasive Species

The working groups brainstormed potential projects within the resource/topic areas.  After lunch, POW LAT members came back as a group, and each work group presented the list of projects they brainstormed.  POW LAT members were invited to submit potential project ideas to work groups they did not participate in during the morning session.  The work groups then reconvened to further develop their proposed project ideas.  A wrap-up session included questions and answers about the process and the POW LAT members made the decision that additional proposed projects for the resource/topics listed above would continue to be accepted until the February meeting.  In February, POW LAT members will be going through the same proposal process for the following resource/topics:  recreation, education/outreach, visitor/tourism, and subsistence/C&T use/personal use.


February 23, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Flyer - February 23, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Agenda - February 23, 2017

Click for POW LAT Meeting Sign-In - February 23, 2017

The February 23, 2017 meeting included a brief overview of proposed projects to date, by referencing the proposed project list found in the link at the top of this page.  An overview of the January 26, 2017 meeting was also given, since the February meeting was formatted the same.  Sub-groups were formed in the following resource/topic areas:

  1. Recreation

  2. Education/Outreach

  3. Visitor/Tourism

  4. Subsistence/Personal Use

The POW LAT members decided to break into three subgroups to develop proposals for items 2-4 above.  The group would come back as a whole to develop projects for item 1, being recreation.  POW LAT members were invited to submit potential project ideas to other subgroups they may not have participated in.  The afternoon was spent developing each of the project ideas in more details, with the proposed recreation projects being dispersed out to the three sub-groups.  While project mapping was on the agenda, the group ran out of time.  It was agreed that mapping of projects where locations were defined would get started by The Nature Conservancy to be available at the next meeting.


March 30, 2017

Click here for :  March 30, 2017 Meeting Flyer

Click here for:  March 30, 2017 Meeting Agenda

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Sign-In - March 30, 2017

The March 30, 2017 meeting included a presentation by the U.S. Forest Service on how to integrate projects to achieve multiple objectives.  While projects were not integrated at the March meeting, the presentation to give POW LAT members a frame of reference on how the U.S. Forest Service would look at the projects that POW LAT have proposed.  There was discussion at the meeting regrading the two timber projects, including information regarding the status of young growth on POW as it is presently known.  A vote of POW LAT members showed a even spilt between a steady harvest of 30MMBF of old growth on POW over the next 15 years vs. a stepped transition of old growth harvest to young growth harvest (volumes not determined).  The 30MMBF of steady old growth supply has been the target identified as needed by industry to keep the mills operating. 

POW LAT members adopted a list of potential stream restoration projects, and added stream systems to the list.  This was to provide definition to the proposal that served as a placeholder for in-stream restoration projects.  All of the propose projects from POW LAT were broken down into lists that fit the following categories:

  1. Projects not within U.S. Forest Service ability to implement

  2. Projects that don't require NEPA to implement

  3. Projects with completed NEPA

  4. Projects that include location information

  5. Projects that need more information and/or location information.

Through interactive mapping, POW LAT members worked on re-assigning the projects on list #5 (above) into one of the other categories.  The goal is to map all proposed projects that are location specific, so POW LAT may begin working on identifying spatially complimentary and conflicting projects for future decision making.


April 27, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT Agenda - April 27, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Flyer - April 27, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Sign-In - April 27, 2017

The April 27, 2017 meeting included a report out on the results of the timber proposal graphing exercise from the end of the March meeting, as well as the results from the on-line survey.  For the survey, POW LAT members were asked to rate each project as to the project's importance to them.  The results were tallied, and were meant as a tool for when POW LAT found conflicts between two projects.  POW LAT members also spent time identifying spatial conflicts between projects.  The Nature Conservancy produced a map book of all the POW LAT projects with locations associated with it.  After identifying spatial conflicts, POW LAT determined how to best to handle the overlap.

The second half of the meeting focused on determining which of the projects POW LAT members had proposed would stay on the final project list to be delivered to the U.S. Forest Service at the end of the May meeting.  There is also a list of projects that were more in the form of recommendations, which will also be reviewed at the meeting in May.  At the end of the April meeting, it was decided that POW LAT still needed a day and half to finish up the project list and to come back around to finding consensus regarding a timber harvest proposal or recommendation to make to the U.S. Forest Service.


May 18 and 19, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT May Meeting Agenda

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Flyer - May 18 and 19, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting Sign-In - May 18, 2017

Click here for:  POW LAT Meeting SIgn-in - May 19, 2017

On May 18, 2017, POW LAT members met to finalize work on their project list and recommendations for the Prince of Wales Districts Landscape Level Assessment.  The first portion of the meeting, members continued where they left off in April in complete the project list that was location based.  After completing edits and approval of projects on the project list, POW LAT members embarked on a healthy discussion regarding old growth timber harvest for Prince of Wales for the next 10-15 years. 

On May 19, 2017, POW LAT member agreed upon an old growth timber harvest recommendation.  Members then reviewed and approved the project list that included projects that were recommendations.  This table of project included projects that did not need NEPA clearance, had already been NEPA cleared, did not have spatial references (were broad in nature), or were not on U.S. Forest Service Lands but could use U.S. Forest Service support.  The POW LAT members reviewed a draft cover letter and tasked the Chair Jon Bolling and facilitator Cathy Needham with producing a final package by May 31, 2017.  At that time, the packaged materials will be sent back out to POW LAT members for a final vote and then submission.


Below are links to materials associated with the hiring of facilitated services for POWLAT meetings:

    The Nature Conservancy - Letter of Interest

    Kai Environmental/ TNC Fee Schedule

    POW LAT Resolution 16-01 - Facilitation Services


Below are links to resources that may be used to aide the group in their ongoing effort:

Click here for:  POW LAT Information Fair Materials

Click here for:  Requested Deer Habitat and Old Growth Map

U.S. Forest Service Integrated Resources Management Presentation

Tongass Young Growth Report - Lessons Learned

Prince of Wales Landscape Assessment Team Bylaws

Activity 1 Brainstorm Project Sheet from January 26 and February 23. 2017 meetings

Activity 2 Proposed Project Details from January 26 and February 23 2017 meetings